If you are relatively new to the world of the Internet, you may wonder at the price difference between a shared web hosting service and a dedicated Windows and Linux web hosting service. These days, many websites opt for shared web hosting. The reason for this is simple. Shared web hosting services are generally very cost-effective. But it is important to know why a dedicated hosting service is more expensive.
What are the advantages of a dedicated Windows and Linux server?
Shared web hosting services are inexpensive because they make use of a single physical server to host more than a thousand web sites. Since the resources of a single server are shared between all the websites hosted on the server, the cost factor comes down. However, certain other factors like performance, reliability, disk space, bandwidth and security may also be compromised. Shared web hosting services are recommended for those people who have minimal web needs. Individuals and very small business enterprises can consider making use of shared web hosting services.
In a dedicated server, your web site rests entirely on a single server. All the resources of the web server work to keep your web site in good running condition. You will be leasing pre-configured, state-of-the-art equipment. Unlike virtual servers where a particular technology is used to share the web server in such a way that each website seems like it has its own virtual server, in the case of a dedicated server, your web site actually has a web server servicing it. Some dedicated hosting solutions also allow for hosting multiple sites on a single machine. In such a case, a world-class network connection is used so that continual network monitoring is possible to ensure the availability of the website.
In case you need custom software or require greater server control, then a dedicated hosting service is highly recommended. A dedicated Windows and Linux server allows you to have complete control over your web server. You can pick the operating system of your choice, configure it, individualise settings and customise it to answer all your ecommerce needs.
Users with high end web needs will be happy with the performance of dedicated servers since these can easily accommodate the deployment of complex applications, streaming media and high end email solutions. Dedicated servers are highly recommended for those people who have some degree of knowledge in web technologies. Advanced users can select specific features such as CPU speed, hardware competence and other requirements. This maximizes your ROI since you only need to make use of those resources that your web site needs.